Theater News

Mark Ruffalo to Star as Joe Albany in Low Down Film

Mark Ruffalo
(© Joseph Marzullo/Retna)
Mark Ruffalo
(© Joseph Marzullo/Retna)

Mark Ruffalo will play jazz pianist Joe Albany in the new bio-movie Low Down, according to published reports. Jeff Preiss is directing the film.

Low Down has a script by Topper Lilien and Amy Albany, which is based on the latter’s memoir about her relationship with her father, and will be told from the perspective of the woman when she was a girl of 11.

Ruffalo received a Tony Award nomination for his performance in Awake and Sing! Among his other stage appearances are The Moment When and This Is Our Youth Off-Broadway.

In addition, he received an Academy Award nomination for his performance in The Kids Are All Right and has been seen in other movies such as You Can Count on Me, 13 Going on 30, Sympathy for Delicious, The Brothers Bloom and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, as well as the forthcoming The Avengers.