The event was held at the New Amsterdam Theatre on Monday.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the closing keynote address at the Third Annual Women's Day on Broadway: The Decade Ahead and How Women Will Shape It, held March 10 at the New Amsterdam Theatre. Watch Clinton's full speech below:
In 2000, Clinton made history as the first first lady elected to the United States Senate, and the first woman elected to statewide office in New York. In 2007, she began her historic campaign for president, winning 18 million votes and becoming the first woman to ever win a presidential primary or caucus state. In 2016, Clinton made history again by becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major US political party.
She is the author of eight best-selling books, including her campaign memoir, What Happened, and The Book of Gutsy Women, which she co-wrote with her daughter, Chelsea Clinton.