Worldwide entertainment phenomenon Blue Man Group, founded by Chris Wink, Phil Stanton, and Matt Goldman, will unveil its never-before-seen orchestral show for two performances at Los Angeles’ Hollywood Bowl on September 6 and 7.
Grammy Award-nominated Brazilian band Monobloco will join the group for a special guest performance, continuing its recent collaboration at Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Additional guest performers will include two-time Grammy nominee Tracy Bonham, recording artist Butterscotch, Venice Beach Boardwalk performer/artist Harry Perry, and an assortment of internationally acclaimed musicians including Natsuki Tamura (didgeridoo), Brian Wolff (tuba), Janeen Rae Heller (musical saw), William Zeitler (glass armonica), Charles Richard Lester (theremin), Arjuna (California throat singer), Ronobir Lahiri (sitar), Sara Leib (scat singer), and the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums.