The sixth time was the charm for the star of ”The King and I”.
Beloved Broadway veteran Kelli O'Hara finally took home a Tony Award on June 7, for her performance as Anna in Lincoln Center Theater's The King and I. The occasion was just as exciting as we wanted it to be, with O'Hara doing a victory lap that could only be called "completely adorable." Here are the 5 best photos we shot last night as O'Hara posed with the statue that's hers at long last.
1. On her sixth Tony nomination, Kelli O'Hara finally takes the statue home, and boy is she excited. This is what a well-deserved victory looks like.
2. O'Hara gives the medallion part of her statue a twirl to see if it really spins. It does. That's one of the many things the award is good for.
3. It's also good for exercising. O'Hara tests out the heft of her new trophy with a few celebratory biceps curls. We hope this is how she'll be working out in the future.
4. After giving the statue the once-over, O'Hara refers to it as "My new boyfriend, Tony." She gives it a big kiss as she poses for photographers. This celebration is years in the making.
5. Look how happy she is! Now go see her in The King and I.
For tickets to The King and I, click here.