Theater News

Courtney Love and Todd Almond Set to Take the Stage in Kansas City Choir Boy

The music-theatre hybrid begins performances tonight at Center Theatre Group’s Kirk Douglas Theatre.

Katie Pierpont

Katie Pierpont

| Los Angeles |

October 15, 2015

Courtney Love and Todd Almond in the perform in "Kansas City Choir Boy," which starts performances tonight.
Courtney Love and Todd Almond star in Kansas City Choir Boy, which starts tonight at the Kirk Douglas Theatre.
(© Cory Weaver)

Kansas City Choir Boy, part concert and part theater show, starts tonight at the Kirk Douglas Theatre.

Couched as "a love song for the computer age," the show follows two lovers from small-town America. One leaves to go in search of her destiny, before mysteriously disappearing. The story emphasizes the way in which the modern 24-hour news cycle thrives on the stories of the anonymous "missing." Filtered through themes from ancient myth, Todd Almond’s songs paint a picture of love altered by unexpected fate.

The music and lyrics for the music-theater piece are by Todd Almond, and the show is directed by Kevin Newbury. Almond performs alongside Courtney Love.

The creative team includes Sam Pinkleton (choreography), David Bloom (musical direction), Vita Tzykun and Clark Parkan (scenic design), Paul Carey (costume design), D.M. Wood (lighting design), Brandon Wolcott (sound design), and David Bova (hair and makeup design).

Performances will run through November 8.

For tickets and more information, click here.

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