(Photo: Michal Daniel)
Last night, an electrical fire in the box office of the Ambassador Theatre, where Suzan-Lori Park’s Topdog/Underdog is currently playing, caused the show to be stopped and the theater to be evacuated.
The small fire started at around 8:50pm and was discovered by staff as the first act was nearing completion. The audience was asked over the PA system to exit the theater; along with the cast and crew, they left in an orderly fashion for an early and unexpected intermission. Stars Jeffrey Wright and Mos Def hung out on 48th Street with the rest of the crowd.
Fire trucks arrived on the scene, and the fire was contained within the box office, but the show did not go on. Patrons were informed that they could reschedule or get a refund by calling Telecharge at 212-239-6200.
Topdog/Underdog resumes performances tonight; a temporary box office has been set up at the bar in the lobby of the Ambassador.