The emoji-inspired musical plots a reboot next year.
Emojiland, the musical by Keith Harrison and Laura Schein that takes its inspiration from the little smiley faces that live inside your iPhone, is planning a return to the stage in 2022, according to a video posted on the musical's Twitter account. Venue, dates, and casting remain a mystery.
Emojiland was a hit at the 2018 New York Musical Festival, becoming the final alum of that 15-year project to transfer off-Broadway (the festival closed down in 2020).
The off-Broadway production at the Duke on 42nd Street featured a starry cast, including Lesli Margherita as Princess, Lucas Steele as Skull, Josh Lamon as Prince, George Abud as Nerd Face, and Ann Harada as Pile of Poo.
In her review of that production, critic Hayley Levitt said, "There aren't many other off-Broadway musicals with a whole host of performances that can be described by the 'Shocked Face With Exploding Head' emoji."
The show's official website still notes an extension through March 19, 2020 which mindful readers will recall as being one week after Covid shut down every theater in New York.