The show, which features a score by Paul Williams and a book by Garry Marshall — who created and produced the TV series of the same name — focuses on the Cunningham family in 1950s Milwaukee. The musical was first seen at the Falcon Theatre in Los Angeles.
As previously announced, the cast will feature Joey Sorge as Fonzie, Felicia Finley as Pinky, Rory O’Malley as Richie, Patrick Garner as Howard, Cynthia Ferrer as Marion, Natalie Bradshaw as Joanie, Todd Buonopane as Ralph, Christopher Ruth as Potsie, Michael J. Farina as Arnold, Julia Burrows as Lori Beth, Andrea Dora as Paula, Lauren Parsons (who will now play the role of Louise), Tom Plotkin as Jumpy Malachi, Eric Schneider as Chachi, and Andrew Varela as Count Malachi. In addition, the cast will also feature Scott Barnhardt as Scooter, Lisa Gajda as Pinkette Sally, and Stephanie Gibson as Pinkette Lola.
The show will feature scenic design by Walt Spangler, costume design by David C. Woolard, lighting design by Jeff Croiter, and sound design by Randy Hansen.
For more information, call 973-376-4343, or visit