The Jungle Theater has announced the casting and creative team for its upcoming production of Crime and Punishment, an adaptation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky classic novel, to play March 27-May 3. Joel Sass will direct.
Performed in 90 minutes with only three actors, the drama — adapted by Marilyn Campbell and Curt Columbus — compresses all the tension and pathos of the classic novel into a brief evening of theater. The cast will feature John Riedlinger as Raskolnikov; Steve Hendrickson as Porfiry, Marmeladov, Tradesman, and Koch; and Stacia Rice as Sonia, Aloyna Ivanova, Lizaveta, and Raskolnikov’s Mother.
The production will feature set design by Sass, costume design by Sonya Berlovitz, lighting design by Barry Browning, and sound design by Sean Healey.
For more information, call 612-822-7063 or visit