Rylance stars in the Bard’s ”Twelfth Night” and ”Richard III” at the Belasco Theatre.
Prepare your pancake makeup, your doublet, and your yellow stockings (cross-gartered), for tonight. William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and Richard III, starring two-time Tony Award winner Mark Rylance, open on Broadway at the Belasco Theatre. The repertory productions, which originated at Shakespeare's Globe before transferring to London's West End, are directed by Tim Carroll.
Joining Rylance, who takes on the roles of Olivia and Richard III, are Stephen Fry as Malvolio and Samuel Barnett as Viola/Cesario and Queen Elizabeth, along with Liam Brennan, Paul Chahidi, John Paul Connolly, Peter Hamilton Dyer, Colin Hurley, Terry McGinity, Jethro Skinner, Angus Wright, Kurt Egyiawan, Matt Harrington, Matthew Schechter, Hayden Signoretti, Joseph Timms, Dominic Brewer, and Dylan Clark Marshall.
Get your first look at the revivals in the gallery below.