Magdalene: I Am the Utterance of My Name will run in June.
Magdalene: I Am the Utterance of My Name — a new work of music-theater by the creators of The Other Mozart, playwright, director, and actor Sylvia Milo and composer and percussionist Nathan Davis — is set to run June 13-30 at HERE.
Magdalene: I Am the Utterance of My Name illuminates the myths, beliefs, and contradictions that have surrounded Mary Magdalene — silenced as an apostle, framed as a prostitute, and exalted as Goddess — for over 2,000 years. Drawing from ancient texts, artworks, and contemporary writings, the piece centers the message from her banned and buried “Gospel of Mary Magdalene,” lost for centuries.
The work creates a prismatic image of Mary Magdalene that is revealed through seven apparitions. Milo embodies these archetypes as Davis performs his score live onstage using ancient and modern instruments — hammered dulcimer, harmonium, sand, and water — interweaving the sound design with field recordings from sites significant to the myths.
Magdalene: I Am the Utterance of My Name is created and performed by Milo and Davis with script and direction by Milo and music and sound design by Davis. The creative team includes movement director Janice Orlandi, choreographer Natalie Lomonte, additional choreographer Joanna Kotze, video and projection designer (incorporating video portraits by Maria Baranova) Monica Duncan, costume designer Magdalena Dąbrowska with leaf dress and hood by Carlotta Frascara and wig in video by Małgorzata Chrastek, lighting designer Nick Houfek, dramaturg Jess Applebaum, and hair and makeup designer Kodi Lynn Milburn.