Pulitzer Prize winner George Kelly’s Philip Goes Forth will open off-Broadway at the Mint Theater on September 22 (its original opening date had been set for September 16). Jerry Ruiz (Love Goes to Press) directs a cast featuring Cliff Bemis (Irving Berlin’s White Christmas), Teddy Bergman (Peter and the Starcatcher), Bernardo Cubria (Basilica), Carole Healey, Christine Toy Johnson (The Music Man), Kathryn Kates (The Last Seder), Natalie Kuhn (The Last Seder), Brian MacDonald (The Merchant of Venice), Jennifer McVey (The Merchant of Venice), and Rachel Moulton.
The play tells the story of a young man who moves to New York to pursue his dream of being a playwright. His father, who wants him to remain in the family business, sees him off with the warning, “Don’t imagine whenever you get tired floating around up there in the clouds that you can drop right back into your place down here. That isn’t the way things go!”
Get a first look at the Philip Goes Forth cast in action here:
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(© Rahav Segev)

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(© Rahav Segev)