Ana Caro’s ”Valor, Agravio y Mujer” (”Courage, Betrayal, and a Woman Scorned”) kicks off the company’s 50th season.
Repertorio Español will kick off the 2017-18 season, its 50th, with the U.S. premiere of a 375-year-old play: Valor, Agravio y Mujer (Courage, Betrayal, and a Woman Scorned), by 17th-century Spanish playwright Ana Caro.
Described as "a comedy of honor, Valor, Agravio y Mujer is a witty critique of the social customs of Caro's era, notably the position of women, in a parody of the erotic myth of Don Juan. The play is considered especially remarkable in its uncommon depiction of its heroine Leonor in a storyline whose happy ending finds a woman having solved her own misfortune without the help of a man."
Directed by Leyma López and designed by Leni Méndez, the cast will be led by Zulema Clares and Luis Carlos de La Lombana. The production will begin previews on October 27 and then open on November 1, after which it will join the company's rotating repertory until May 10.