David Ives’ “translaptation” is presented in association with Shakespeare Theatre Company.
Performances of The Metromaniacs begin tonight at Old Globe Theatre.
The show is a translation and adaptation of the classic French farce La Métromanie by Alexis Piron. Set in 18th-century Paris, the show follows Damis, a young poet who is métromanie – crazy for poetry. In an era when poets are rock stars, verse-mania overruns the city. Damis himself falls head over heels for his favorite poetess. Unfortunately, she is actually a middle-aged gentleman writing under a pseudonym. What ensues is a chronology of endless complications, plot twists and mistaken identities.
Written by David Ives, the play is directed by Michael Kahn and features Benjamin Cole as Servant, Christian Conn as Damis, Cary Donaldson as Dorante, Michael Goldstrom as Mondor, Peter Kybart as Baliveau, Adam LeFevre as Francalou, Amelia Pedlow as Lucille, Connor Sullivan as Servant, and Dina Thomas as Lisette.
"I'm excited about The Metromaniacs for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which is how riotously funny and truly entertaining it is," said artistic director Barry Edelstein. "I’m also very thrilled to welcome David Ives to the Globe, whose sparkling 'translaptation' of this play is what Shakespeare would call 'a feast of language.'"
The creative team includes James Noone (set design), Murell Horton (costume design), Mark McCullough (lighting design), Matt Tierney (sound design), Adam Wernick (original music), and Jess Slocum (stage manager).
Performances will run through March 6.