Allyn Burrows directs the production, running through September 3.
The Tempest began performances on August 10 at Shakespeare & Company.
Allyn Burrows directs the production, described as follows: "Likely the Bard’s final piece that he penned alone, The Tempest sets the stage for a betrayed magician bent on revenge. Prospero’s seething softens when he sees through his daughter that love and forgiveness conquer darkness. Revel in outdoor performances in The Roman Garden Theatre under the Berkshire summer skies as the cast leads you on this magical and moving journey."
Featured in the cast are Jason Asprey (Calaban), Thomas Brazzle (Sebastian), Nigel Gore (Prospero), Deaon Griffin-Pressley
(Ferdinand), Tamara Hickey (Ariel), Ella Loudon (Miranda), Josh Aaron McCabe (Stephano/ Alonso), Bella Merlin (Trinculo), and Mark Zeisler (Antonio).
Performances continue through September 3.