Playwrights, directors, and actors have been announced for Barrington Stage Company’s 10×10 On North, a new play festival to be presented at BSC Stage 2, February 16-26.
The program will consist of ten 10-minute plays, including “God in the Goat” by Suzanne Bradbeer, directed by Frank La Frazia; “Another Cup of Coffee” by Cait Weisensee, directed by David Sernick; “Tenderness” by Maureen McGranaghan, directed by Tom Gladwell; “The Story” by Mikhail Horowitz, directed by Mark St Germain; “Lannie’s Lament” by Jacqueline Goldfinger, also directed by St Germain; “Things I Left on Long Island” by Sara Cooper, directed by Julianne Boyd; “Lunch with Amanda” by Chris Newbound, directed by La Frazia; “Behold the Coach, In a Blazer, Uninsured” by Will Eno, directed by St Germain; “Total Expression” by Marisa Smith, directed by Gladwell; and “Fugu” by Laura Shaine, directed by Boyd.
The acting company will feature Lily Balsen, Emily Taplin Boyd, Matt Neely, Ryland Thomas, Peggy Pharr Wilson, and Robert Zukerman.