With the blessings of the archdiocese, Sister has assembled overhead projectors, mimeographed handouts, felt banners, historical facts and hysterical insights as she conducts her class into convulsions of laughter. Picking up where she left off in Late Nite Catechism, Sister begins with a confession about the goal of every nun – to get herself into heaven first and then bring along as many of the faithful as possible, thereby securing her own wings and possibly the salvation of countless others.
Now it is up to Sister to save the souls of those assembled – also known as the audience! Beginning with an overview of heaven and hell as a Catholic version of Chutes and Ladders, and moving onto her proclamation of new sins for the new millennium, Sister is never hesitant to tell us where we’ve gone wrong. (Needless to say, excessive tattooing and piercing are right up there with pornographic websites.) And never doubt that she can provide a list of every celebrity currently sharing digs with the devil. No one is excused from Sister’s firm belief that “sometimes we feel guilty because we are guilty.”