Meadows Basement begins its exciting 2005 season with the West Coast premiere of Melanie Marnich’s comedy Blur, directed by company member Ira Steck. Boldly emotional yet oddly playful, Blur is the powerful story of an open-hearted young girl, named Dot, whose sudden descent into blindness proves to be a passage from darkness to light. When teenage Dot and her overprotective mother learn that Dot suffers from Leber’s Optic Atrophy, a genetic disorder that causes the gradual loss of sight, the young girl is forced to grow up very quickly. Saddled with the frightening eventuality of her blindness, Dot is thrust into the threatening and ambiguous world of adolescence. As the safety of her family and her faith dissolve around her, Dot falls in love, breaks from her mother, and learns what it is to need help and to help others. Ultimately, taking care of those she loves allows her to focus and finally to see the world with a serene clarity.