A murdered Queen, an anguished (and guilty) son, an over-protective sister and three ancient Aunties from hell present a few problems for Athena and Apollo as they attempt to usher in the new order. Set in the crumbling House of Atreus, memory and history come together bringing Orestes face to face with the consequences of murdering his mother, Clytemnestra, while those around him seek to use his actions to further their own ambitions. Orestes Remembered: The Fury Project asks the question; are we becoming a more just society or a more savage one?
Orestes Remembered is in workshop at:
Strub Theatre, Foley Building, Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045
January 24th-March 3rd, 2007
Wednesday-Sunday at 8:00 P.M.