This puppet show for the whole family tells the story of Prairie Dog Pete, a down-on-his-luck gold miner. He is about to give up and go home when he stumbles upon Jack Rabbit, an old prospector who has fallen down a mineshaft.
After Pete pulls him to safety, Jack thanks Pete with a gift of some special animals, including a magic buffalo. But when notorious outlaw Coyote Clyde learns about Pete’s good fortune, he plots to steal the magic animals.
With the help of the audience, Pete outwits Coyote Clyde, and everyone learns an important lesson about honesty. After the puppet show, the audience is treated to a special behind-the-scenes presentation.
Swazzle is a performance troupe dedicated to the art of live puppetry through lighthearted shows that emphasize positive messages for young people.
Swazzle’s talented puppeteers each have more than 10 years of live puppetry experience. They have trained professionally and performed at venues nationally and internationally.