Rose Steiner, a Pulitzer Prize winning novelist, has been afflicted with writer’s block for several years, in fact since the death of her lover, Walsh. The thing is, he’s still around. His ghost haunts her. She not only talks to him, she still makes love with him. She is living an isolated existence in a beach house, her only living companion her personal assistant, Arlene (who, it will develop, is much more to Rose than a personal assistant).
Given her creative inactivity, Rose’s money is running out. But Walsh has given her an escape route out of possible destitution. A celebrated best-selling writer himself, Walsh has left her most of a new manuscript, not quite complete. She needs help finishing it…a ghost writer to finish a novel started by somebody who now is a ghost. A new novel by Walsh McLaren could leave Rose sitting pretty. But she’ll have to move quickly. Walsh can’t hang around forever; he still has a fast-approaching date with the Great Beyond. What will Rose do?