Powerful and poignant, heartfelt and humorous – Santa Monica Playhouse is proud to present a special Kwanzaa performance of film, television and stage personality Stogie Kenyatta’s acclaimed show about African-American artist-activist Paul Robeson, in honor of Black History Month. Robeson – internationally renowned actor, recording artist, concert singer, football player, All-American athlete and Phi Beta Kappa Society laureate at Rugters University, was witness to the artistic wonders of the Harlem Renaissance and the Jazz/Be-bop era, the horrors of the slave trade, the shame of the Holocaust, McCarthyism, blacklists, racism and oppression. His life’s work celebrates our common humanity as he fought globally for social justice. “Armed with nothing more than the strength of his convictions and his vision of a world where men live as brothers, his message was his life,” says Kenyatta. “He shows us that in spite of our differences, we still have more in common than we do in conflict.” Jamaican born and Brooklyn bred Stogie Kenyatta has been seen on everything from sitcoms and film to soap operas, from Bernie Mac and Jake and the Fat Man to HBO’s Tyson (co-star) to The Bold and The Beautiful. Back by popular demand for two nights only.