The All Female 1929 Skidoo Revue is a Vaudeville show with a colorful, heartwarming story attached to it. 8 woman perform all the roles of men and woman, kings, queens, jugglers and more…. Sketches, singing, dancing and melodrama. A fun and heartfelt Vaudevillian experience.
Carl "The Amazing" Ballantine attends the opening Night of The All Female 1929 Skidoo Review.
Born Meyer Kessler in Chicago, Illinois, in 1922, he spent his early years on the vaudeville stage performing tricks of magic in a manipulation act, but gave up real magic when he realized he could not be as good as some of his peers. Meyer changed his name to Ballantine after he happened to spot a bottle of Ballantine Whiskey in an advertisement and decided that the name of his magic act would be “Ballantine, the World’s Greatest Magician”. One-of-a-kind, he was billed as the incomparable Carl “The Amazing” Ballantine, the only magician who NEVER did a trick. However, he did become the first magician to headline in Las Vegas.