Enter a house where everything is in its place: The furniture is aligned, the guest bedroom is prepared, and the game is on the TV. It’s Thanksgiving, a hurricane rages outside, and Marty Pascal has returned home with his new fiancée, Lesly, in tow. It is in this house, on this night, that Marty has the arduous task of introducing Lesly to his perpetually drunk mother, his envious younger brother Anthony, and his twin sister Jackie-O, fresh out of a mental hospital.
When the power goes out, secrets are revealed – each more shocking than the last. As the five characters explore the depths of love, lust, obsession and denial, only one thing is certain: No one will leave the house the same.
Written by Wendy MacLeod (Things Being What They Are; Juvenilia) and directed by Katharine Brandt (co-founder of Tall Blonde Productions), The House of Yes is a viciously witty (yet surprisingly heartbreaking) dark comedy.