On the heels of her sold out run in Toronto and her L.A. debut at The Globe, Carla Collins brings her one-woman show, The Visionary Position, to The Zephyr Theatre. Edgy, improvised, and autobiographical, the show is a live multi-media experience, based entirely on true events (except for the made-up stuff).
Carla is a cosmopolitan workaholic living in L.A. and adjusting to her newly-divorced existence. She has never really contemplated motherhood. (“At my age, I don’t know whether to have a kid or date one.”) That is, until she discovers she is late – and not in the fashionable sense. While awaiting the results of a home pregnancy test, Carla shares the story of her fantastical night of potential conception.
In the midst of this possibly life-altering crisis, Carla is visited by four of her favorite imaginary friends from her childhood. The friends have grown-up and now serve as “spirit guides” – dispensing advice on sex, spirituality and motherhood. The imaginary friends include: Soufflé, a snotty, chain-smoking, French lingerie model; Ziggy Santa Monica, an abrasive, L.A.-based gossip columnist; Bunny, a wealthy socialite on the authentic South Beach diet (cocaine and bronzer); and Starlight Mahoney, the world’s only stand-up psychic.