The Homebody, a bored, emotionally imprisoned but wildly intellectual English woman, finds refuge and escape in the alternate world of Afghanistan, which she romanticizes with the help of a tourist guidebook. Her mysterious disappearance in Afghanistan prompts an ensuing search by her husband and daughter who arrive in the foreign land unprepared for the adventures and contradictions that await them. In their quest for truth and closure, the lines between the real and the unreal, the political and the personal, the public and the private, the psychological and the sociological, are intentionally blurred and artfully ambiguous. With Homebody/Kabul, playwright Tony Kushner reaffirms his status as one of the most important and dynamic contemporary dramatists in the world.
There are no Saturday matinees on May 18 and June 1. There are additional Thursday matinees at 2pm on May 16 & 30.