Leslie’s in trouble. Serious, serious trouble. But don’t feel bad for her because mostly it’s her own fault. She’s in a marriage that began with love and happiness and lots and lots of sex. But at a certain point, the love had diminished, there was only occasional happiness and no sex. OK, once in a while, but only when the Dallas Cowboys won. How could she get the attention she craved? Well, thanks to the marvels of the Internet, Leslie found she had plenty of options — steamy e-mails, X-rated chat rooms, and dating websites that cater to every possible sexual inclination. For six years she prowled cyberspace and corresponded with countless men. She even met a few of them. Though most people would say 300 might be stretching the definition of a few. But then most people aren’t Leslie.
Miss-matches.com — Leslie Beam’s new solo comedy — is an unvarnished account of one woman’s descent into sexual purgatory. A purgatory she shared with: a man she needed to temporarily marry each time they had sex, a convict (both ex and future), and a rabbit which was neither furry nor cuddly. Plus, there was the extended evening she ended up in a dungeon. To this day she doesn’t know how she got there. Mostly though, it’s the story of a strong modern woman taking control of her sexuality – and completely screwing it up.