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VOICES unboxed

About the Show

Join us to see three solo artists tell up-close and personal stories that include:

Bubbles & Boxes by Molly Surowitz
A Jewish mother’s inquiry into identity and race, traveling through time across generations, from raising her sons in Oak Park, Illinois, to her childhood in Detroit and back again.

Wrong Way Journey by RC Riley
A story about a young adult who is forced out of naiveté into a journey toward healing, wholeness, and liberation. Along the way they grapple with their spirituality and sexuality while learning how to adjust to, accept, and reject the world’s ideas and expectations of a female-presenting person’s sexual behavior.

God Is Naked by Sarah Ruthless
In the early 2000s, the Evangelical church taught that Christianity is “a relationship, not a religion.” While already struggling to understand their role in their family and in the world, an eleven year old has their first experience with the charismatic movement… and begins to question everything.

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