Live from New York, Dana Aber performs her one-woman musical Baggage at the Door at the Blue Sage Center for the Arts. This quirky and candid piece explores her attempts to break the PTSD trauma cycle and find the courage to unpack her baggage and claim a better life. Incorporating video games, humor, and deli cheese, Baggage at the Door addresses the critical moment when a trauma survivor realizes she may no longer be able to simply cope; when falling in love triggers her latent PTSD, she might be…”SOL”.
Currently in residence with Elsewhere Studios, Dana Aber is a performer, producer, collaborator, and creator.
Baggage at the Door is presented as a free event courtesy of Blue Sage Center for the Arts and Big Thunder Productions NYC, in collaboration with Elsewhere Studiosand Paonia Players. Suggested rating: PG-13 (for mature audiences), due to trauma references, adult situations, and some strong language.