In this tragicomic monologue, we find the poignant narrator of Texts for Nothing humorously and self-consciously contemplating the brief span between birth and death. Living without the concepts of modern responsibilities, he has the freedom to question essentials about existence. From speculating about life’s purpose to hazily recalling the past and relationships, this one-man show depicts the ceaseless struggle to find words and meaning in life and the necessity of finding humor in its absurdity.
On April 13, 7 Stages will be holding a birthday party of Samuel Beckett. Following the performance of Texts for Nothing, there will be refreshments, good talking, some sharing of obscure stories and some imbibing. And, for those who are up for it, the first ever Beckett Slam! Anything goes, of course, except boring essays and interpretations!! Call the box office for more information.