Big Drum / Small World

About This Show

Big Drum / Small World is an immersive, globally themed multi-media program features performances of all new commissions by prominent, internationally recognized jazz composers hailing from countries as diverse as West Africa, Israel, Cuba, Puerto Rico, India, and the United States. The program also features fun, short video interludes that offer biographical background on each of the project’s composers and commentary on the various ways that both the American jazz tradition and their individual cultural heritages have informed and inspired their respective visions and artistic sensibilities. The objectives of Big Drum / Small World are to promote the value of creative collaboration and the unique way that jazz provides a forum to explore our differences, share ideas, and discover common ground.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: September 7, 2024
Location: Ravinia, Illinois

200 Ravinia Park Rd,

Highland Park,


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