Miranda Towers had it all- a promising singing career, a dashing husband, a loving a daughter, and her very own circus! Then, one day that world came tumbling down and Miranda went from wearing a top hat to a strait-jacket. Fast forward 15 years to 1966- Miranda returns to her circus when a mysterious and gruesome string of ‘accidental’ deaths occur. Is Miranda making up for lost time? See for yourself in this deliriously over-the-top homage to 60’s horror b-movies. The Towers Circus is full potential victims and suspects alike that take the audience to new heights of horror without a net! Handbag favorite Ed Jones* (Caged Dames) takes on duo roles as Betty Ann Hardwicke, beauty school headmistress, and Reynaldo, the man with a dark lady on his back and an even darker secret buried in his past. Elizabeth Lesinski (Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer) is Sylvanya, the exotic and mysterious hair hanger with a hidden agenda. Handsome newcomer Aaron Michael Adamkiewicz is Rod Conrad, the dashing trapeze artist who falls under Miranda’s magical love spell. Kate Bergeron is Jackie, the beautiful and brassy lady magician with a few tricks up her sleeve and Megan Keach pulls double duty as Velva, the ‘lady man’ who knows all about Miranda and her dark past, and Sheila Towers, Miranda’s seemingly sweet daughter and heir to the Towers circus. Rounding out the cast of roustabouts are Jefrey Wilkerson, Sam Brown, Seth Remington, Missy Aguilar and Caitlin McGlone as the gruff but loveable Canteen Annie.