Sextet is a series of six one-act plays written by Lanford Wilson spanning the long course of his carreer. It features:
Ikke, Ikke, Nye, Nye, Nye, an ingenious farce that deals with what might have been a seduction. But while Edith is all for it (despite her feeble protests), Graham has eyes only for her telephone. And what he can’t say to her face floods out readily on the phone, with hiliarious results.
Days Ahead, portrays the fraught psyche of a fastidious little man as he confronts the memory of an early love, which he perceives as a dusty, crumbling wall through which he must dig.
The Madness of Lady Bright traces the mental beakdown of Lesley Bright, an aging homosexual whose past begins to haunt him with the emptiness of the choices he made.
Sextet(YES), comprised of the thoughts and recollections of six characters, who sit at random, answering each other’s revelations with a quiet “yes.” Out of the patern of their memories, the interweaving of their destinies, emerges a sense of their frailty, humanity, and the disquieting vulnerability of life itself.
The Moonshot Tape, a moon drama which explores the “personal history” of a woman writer who makes it disturbingly evident that we are all the product not only of our own drives and desires, but also the experiences which others impose on us – often against our wishes – and which sometimes burrow deep into our consciousness.
This is the Rill Speaking, is a play of voices – a poetic, mosaic-style evocation of small town life told throught multiple voices that shift and blend from identity to identity.