Updated and brought to life in a new musical adaptation, Hans Christian Anderson’s The Snow Queen tells the classic tale of a young girl whose love enables her to overcome many obstacles and free a boy from an evil spell. The book and lyrics by William Coyne and score by Karl Mansfield enhance the folk tale with melodies that touch the musical genres of pop, ’50s rock ‘n’ roll, torchy vamp, and jazz – all while keeping the wonder and morality of the original story intact.
Evening shows are preceded by Michael O’Rourke’s (Artistic Director, Scrap Mettle SOUL) enactment of A Child’s Christmas in Wales, Dylan Thomas’s memoirs of polar cats, Christmas hippos, and big-bosomed Auntie Hannah.
Additional Ticket and Schedule Information:
The preview performance is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13 at 7:30pm. Tickets for this performance only are available on a “Pay-What-You-Can” basis.
There is no performance on Thursday, December 14.
There is no performance on Thursday, January 4.
Matinee performances are arranged for 3:00pm on the following dates:
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Sunday, January 7, 2007