Falcon Theatre is proud to present the world premiere of Billy & Ray, the final production of the Falcon Theatre’s 2012-2013 Subscription Season. This exciting Hollywood story is written by Mike Bencivenga, an Emmy-winning producer whose plays and films include Happy Hour and Single Bullet Theory, and is directed by the Falcon’s own Garry Marshall, whose impressive writing and directing career includes television and film classics such as Happy Days and Pretty Woman as well as his own stage plays Wrong Turn at Lungfish and Everybody Say "Cheese!".
The world premiere of Billy & Ray tells the incredible true story of how Billy Wilder (Kevin Blake) and Raymond Chandler (Shaun O’Hagan) wrote the screenplay for Double Indemnity, invented film noir and nearly killed each other in the process. Set in Hollywood in the 1940’s, Paramount producer Joe Sistrom (Anthony Starke) and secretary par excellence Helen Hernandez (Ali Spuck) join the hilarious journey through a war of creativity between two brilliant writers who battled the censors, and each other, to create a motion picture classic.