Based on an actual incident, The Moon Away is a powerful and intense drama that takes place in the mid-eighties. Joe, a photographer in southern New Mexico, grappling with his identity as a gay man, is suddenly thrown into a nightmare when he is accused of sexual contact with a minor. Presented by AYTB Theatre.
Playwright Edward Crosby Wells is a former Boston resident whose work has been produced at Circle Repertory Company (NYC), The Greenwich House Theatre (NYC), Mesa College (San Diego), New Mexico Rep (Santa Fe), Dallas Museum of Fine Art (Dallas), The Glines (NYC), Wings Theatre (NYC), Iridium Jazz Club (NYC), Spotlight On Productions (NYC) Els Mullats (Barcelona, Spain), and a host of theatres from coast to coast. Kenneth Weller of NYC Stage Pages proclaimed “[Wells’] story-telling is assured and highly intriguing . . . original and universal.”
Additional performance Sunday, September 10 at 2pm.
Appropriate For Ages: 15 and above