The Greeks Invented Democracy. Todd Invented Propaganda.
A comedy about the horrors of war and the rising price of fish.
As every schoolboy and girl knows, the Trojan War started when someone abducted someone else’s wife, and took her…somewhere else. Many Greeks were involved.
Sean Michael Welch’s new comedy dares to ask the question:
What if we’ve learned it wrong all along?
What if Todd, Political Advisor, was responsible?
Find out how such heroes as Odysseus, Menelaus and Agamemnon work with a bureaucrat.
Join Mill 6 for this World Premiere comedy by award-winning playwright Sean Michael Welch.
“Welch displays, along with his provocative imagination, an unbridled willingness to let real people behave ridiculously…just the right satirical edge…so delicious” – Variety
“Mill 6 is one of those little companies with big talent.” –
*One Sunday Performance at 3pm on April 10th
Group Sales Number (10+): 617-240-6317
Appropriate For Ages: 12 and up