You are invited to the Halloween party of the year at the home of Vincent Cushing Lee. Be sure to have your invitation ready to show the butler.
Vincent is busy scheming how to expedite his special guest’s journey into the afterlife to join the vengeful spirits he claims occupy his residence.
Some of his special guests already allege their involvement with the supernatural:
Val Pyre only seems to visit after dark, insists on having a bite then vanishes. Lon Cantropt was attacked by a wild animal and got more than a scar to show for it. Clara Voinyet is able to see the future. Dr. A. Tad Madd experiments in the laboratory? Pearl Inperil, the only one who has no ties to the paranormal gives new meaning to damsel in distress.
So put aside any doubts or skepticisms and believe in things that go bump in the night. Don’t worry if murder pops up, you’ll need to keep an eye out for all the clues that will help you solve the crime. You’ll be part of your own private detective agency. Ask the right questions and you could be the one to discover who done it!