Their 2011 Basie show was so much fun, we had to ask them back! From bombastic epics to ethereal folk tunes, Get The Led Out captures the essence of Led Zeppelin’s recorded catalogue with a two-hour show spanning the mythic career of the legendary British band. Not an impersonator act, GTLO approach the music like a classical performance. Six accomplished musicians deliver Zeppelin’s studio recordings with all the bells and whistles, re-creating the overdubs and studio tracks that Zeppelin themselves never performed live. From the rock anthems to the sit-down acoustic songs, GTLO’s attention to detail makes their show unique in the Zeppelin world. The Philadelphia Inquirer said, “…older fans could be heard bragging that they saw Zeppelin back in the day and that Get The Led Out is better. That might seem hard to believe until you witness the might and versatility of the players…”