Once upon a time in this great country of ours women were considered second class citizens, they could not own property, hold most jobs or vote. They were taught to be obedient to their fathers and husbands and were often punished for misbehaving. Yet, many of them rebelled, often at great risks. Many of them were leaders and warriors, thinkers and artists and many of them were hidden in the dungeons of history only to be unearthed in recent years by feminist scholars. In Broads with Balls HyperGender brings some these (in)famous ladies as burlesque meets women history month. Fear not, men will not be hurt as they join us in this raucous celebration of “fairer sex” and while no bras will be burned due to New York City fire laws, many will fly off to expose brave bosoms of bawdy burlesque broads!
Hosts: Award winning duo recently seen at Miss LEZ pageant, NYBF festival and more,
N & JZ Bich
Dr. Lukki – the only burlesque PhD strips Lady Godiva
Deity – the twisted genius
Lydia Love – her contortionist beauty
Ms. Tina Cione – in her HGB debut
Lady Scoutington – her LOL sexiness strips Betty Ford
and the always inspiring video by