Acclaimed filmmaker Rory Kennedy (HBO’s Indian Point: Imagining the Unimaginable) looks beyond the headlines to investigate the renowned Abu Ghraib prison scandal and the psychological and political context in which torture occurred through the powerful documentary Ghosts of Abu Ghraib. “How could ordinary American soldiers come to engage in such monstrous acts?” Kennedy asks. “What policies were put into place that allowed this behavior to flourish while protections granted to prisoners under the Geneva Conventions were ignored?” CRS would like to call attention to the insanity of our government’s mistaken belief and policy that human rights can be violated in certain instances in order to promote human rights in others. We can never achieve peace through violence, or respect for all by disrespecting some. The world is a reflection of our minds, and only by maintaining a peaceful mind that recognizes that we are all one and that there is nothing to attack or to defend can we know peace. Prior to the screening, CRS will lead a short meditation for peace, and following the screening CRS will lead a discussion with guest speakers to be announced.