This holiday season’s offering from New York’s favorite trans- disciplanary artist, Mx Justin Vivian Bond, will find the “trans-atlantic cabaret Messiah” (Time Out London) dressed for snow to deliver a holiday Mx of songs from V’s critically acclaimed records Silver Wells and Dendrophile along with a unique take on more traditional holiday fare, some spoken word (aka spell casting), razor-sharp social commentary, and the kind of glamour that makes you feel free to do just about anything on “a midnight clear."
Mx Bond is no Angel, but if you’re lucky you just might find “The greatest cabaret artist of this
generation” (The New Yorker) leading you back in time to the days when V was better known as “Mrs. Christ” to answer the age old question once and for all, “Who would Jesus Do?” Can we get a Halo! Musical direction by Thomas Bartlett.