1989 [exit ghost] is a piece development with and about the so called 3rd Generation East – people in their mid-twenties to mid-thirties who were born in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Those representating this generation, together with actors of the same generation born in West Germany, perform this play under the direction of Romy Weyrauch to seek answers on philosophical and political questions in conjunction with the downfall of a socialist state and our current times of increased worsening global financial crisis.
The plot is based on Heiner Müllers’ rehearsals of Hamlet/Maschine in 1989/90, and the rapidly changing political events outside the Deutsche Theater in Berlin. Snippets of the script, rehearsal notes of Heiner Müller and his assistant and dramaturg Stephan Suschke and documentary sources are incorporated in the production of 1989 [exit ghost].