2007 NY Innovative Theatre Award winner for Outstanding Production
Gentlemen callers beware! The Wingfields plume their nest with broken glass, twisted morals, and perverted minds. Each night a new audience member will get to play the role of Jim, the gentlemen caller. Tom, Amanda and Laura claim no responsibility for hurt feelings or offended sentiments. These deformed anti-clowns subversively take the piss out of everyone and everything. Why would anyone do this to an American Masterpiece!?!
“Total Theatrical sacrilege…Delicious!” -NYTheatre.com
"Must See! Hilarious!" -TimeOutNY
“Genius” – CultureBot
“Hilarious Madness” – Show Showdown
“Extremely Funny” -NY Theatre Wire
“Twisted Southern Goth! Absurdity at its best!" KAFI FM, MN
see the Youtube teaser
Hear our NY Theatre Pod Cast with Trav S.D.
Bouffon Glass Menajoree is then headed to the Dublin Fringe Festival in September!