Series A
Preview May 23-25 8pm
Run: May 26 8pm, May 27 3pm & 8pm, June 2 8pm, June 4 7pm, June 5 8pm, June 6 8pm, June 8 8pm, June 10 8pm
Not all Korean Girls Can Fly by Lloyd Suh, directed by RJ Tolan
The Other Woman by David Ives, directed by Walter Bobbie
Davy & Stu by Anton Dudley, directed by Jordan Young
Breakfast & Bed by Amy Fox, directed by Abigail Zealey Bess
Series B
Preview: May 30-June 1 8pm
Run: June 3 3pm & 8pm, June 7 8pm, June 9 8pm, June 10 3pm, June 16 8pm, June 17 3pm, June 18 7pm, June 19 8pm
Bone China by David Mamet, directed by Curt Dempster
The 100 Most Beautiful Names of Todd by Julia Cho, director TBA
On the Sporadic by James Ryan, directed by Charles Richter
Intermission by Will Eno, directed by Michael Sexton
Series C
Preview: June 13-15 8pm
Run: June 17 8pm, June 18 2pm, June 20 8pm, June 21 8pm, June 22 8pm, June 23 8pm, June 24 3pm & 8pm, June 25 7pm
The Sissy Letters by Stephen Adly Guirgis, directed by Adam Rapp
Lila on the Wall by Edward Allen Baker, directed by Kevin Confoy
Detail by Michael Louis Wells, director TBA
Bus to Buenos Aires – Book/Music by Thomas Mizer, Lyrics by Curtis Moore, directed by Carlos Armesto
The Night Roger Went to Visit the Parents of his Old Highschool Girlfriend by Anne Marie Healey, directed by Andrew McCarthy