As part two of the 1599 Project- a series of fast and furious “chamber” production of Shakespeare’s 1599 Plays, the Irondale Ensemble will present Julius Caesar. This production, following on the heels of the wildly popular “Henry V” last season, prompts the audience to ask how did Shakespeare become Shakespeare? Inspired by James Shapiro’s award winning book 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar will be the second of four plays that Shakespeare wrote in that momentous year, in an intimate, actor driven production– close-up and visceral. Julius Caesar is a tale of power, political corruption and a nations bitterly divided–a timeless work of story-telling that is as fresh and relevant as today. For this production, the audience is in the middle of the action – a witness to the production. It’s a promenade production in which the audience follows the action of the play throughout the theater.