Fresh from her iconic portrayal of Sue Sylvester on “Glee” and her Broadway debut as Miss Hannigan in “Annie,” Jane Lynch returns to New York City to perform her new musical comedy “See Jane Sing.” The show comes full circle for Jane as she debuted the act at 54 Below last year to rave reviews.
Taking the stage at Joe’s Pub for a four day run, Jane’s show has evolved to include special guests like Kate Flannery of “The Office,” who plays Jane’s mischievous vocal partner, and Tim Davis, the talented former musical arranger on “Glee.” The Emmy and Golden Globe winner also designed a fresh song list boasting delightful new takes on “If Wishes Were Rainbows”, “Mr. Monotony”, “Far From the Home I Love”, and “Skeletons/Blood” from A Mighty Wind. Not your typical Broadway narrative, Lynch, accompanied by a five-piece band, builds the evening around her musical chops and comedic wit and charm.