Set to Tchaikovsky’s legendary music, Swan Lake Rock Opera follows the royal playboy, Crown Prince ‘Ziggy’ Siegfried, in his scandalous search for the ideal bride. This sexy new musical extravaganza puts money, love, and titles on the line. Will true love win and at what cost?
Cast: Tyler McCall, Justine Verheul, Almog Pail, Edan Jacob Levy, Einat Propper, Jack Sutherlin, Tobias Arizio, Guy Roobie, Addi Gefen, Ellie Kadosh, Eden Azar, and Mai Ofri
Presented by Noy Shows and Chelsea Music Hall
Book and Lyrics: Mirit Shem-Ur
Director: Tsedi Sarfati
Music Production and Additional Music: Sharona Pick
Choreographer: Amit Zamir
Costume Designer: Ella Kolesnik
Associate Director: Haim Filiba
Musical Director: Assaf Averbuch