The Accidental Pervert is a laugh-out-loud play that tells the awkwardly poignant story of a boy’s journey into manhood after discovering his dad’s videotapes hidden in a bedroom closet. The boy subsequently develops an addiction that continues until the age of 26, when he meets his wife-to-be and finds himself struggling to find the balance between fantasy and reality.
Let acclaimed performer and comedian Andrew Goffman take you on a whirlwind tour of his funny romance with magazines, videos, and off-color fantasies while you roll in the aisles. However, it’s not all laughs in this layered show, which ends on a touching moment of redemption as he struggles to find true love and perspective through real-life relationships.
So come have some good dirty fun with The Accidental Pervert! Oh, and leave the little ones home. The show has mature themes and is meant for audience members over 16.
• The Accidental Pervert has eclipsed 1,000 performances in the legendary Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York!
• Award-winning run in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
• Winner of a 2013 Best Comedy Award in Panama City, Panama!