When The Hairy Ape – one of Eugene O’Neill’s favorite plays – opened in 1922, it set the theatrical world on fire. As head coal stoker on an ocean liner, the dark-souled, brutish Yank is in his element: he rules his smoky world, he powers the ship, he belongs. But when the beautiful, pale, spoiled daughter of the ship’s owner visits the engine room for a thrill, she is at once repulsed and terrified by Yank and what she sees there. Half in love with the unattainable and half blinded by rage, the bewildered Yank blunders violently through Manhattan, seeking at once revenge and a place in a society which refuses him. A riveting story of a common man’s search for belonging in a world controlled by the rich and powerful, The Hairy Ape remains a vibrant, eloquent work and a timeless classic.
Eugene O’Neill, a restless and bold experimenter, is one of the foremost American playwrights. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1936. Ranging in style from
satire to tragedy, his palys often depict people who have no hope of controlling
their destinies.
The schedule for the thanksgiving holiday week will be as follows:
Tuesday 11/21 at 8PM
Wednesday 11/22 Matinee: 2PM (note NOT 3PM)
Wednesday 11/23 Evening: NO SHOW
Thursday 11/24 (Thanksgiving Day) NO SHOW
Friday 11/25: 4PM and 8PM (note NOT 3PM)
Saturday 11/26 3PM and 8PM
Sunday 11/27 (Final Performance) 3PM